understand china

Effective communication solutions

for Romanian-Chinese partnerships

Not working with China?

No problem, we have specialists on nine other cultures

Do you encounter challenges when working with

Chinese colleagues and business partners?

Do you want to minimize cost of misunderstandings

and culture clashes?

Do you want to maximize the efficiency and value

of your intercultural interactions?

We can help

here's how

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about us

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We will train and coach you to understand and anticipate the behavior and expectations of your Chinese partners, in order to avoid intercultural conflicts, maximize return on your projects and develop successful business relations.


We have first-hand experience of 16 years working with China. Our training courses, workshops and seminars draw from real-life experience, in order to maximize the understanding and retention of information.


The training courses are carefully designed to meet rigorous standards, combining research in country-specific intercultural communication with real-life experience. We provide more than a checklist of do’s and don’ts – we offer you an in-depth understanding of Chinese culture.


Our team draws from 18 years of delivering courses and training programs to provide you with interactive teaching methods. Practical exercises, simulations, facilitated discussions, case studies, games and gamification of teaching are some of the tools we use to make this a learning experience you will enjoy.

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16 years

experience with chinese partners

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18 years

experience in organizing courses and training programs

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participants in courses and training programs

Chinese culture workshop

Intercultural communication training course

Pre-departure training





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see more

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the benefits

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Infographic list
Minimal Lined Business Goal

CONFIDENCE in the relations with your Chinese partners

Minimal Lined Business Executive Summary

KNOWLEDGE based on the specificities of your Chinese partners' culture

Minimal Lined Business Marketing Strategy

Increased SKILLS of management and communication with your Chinese partners

Infographic list
Minimal Lined Business Market Analysis

EFICIENCY of multicultural teams and increased group cohesion

Minimal Lined Business Analysis

STRATEGIES and TECHNIQUES for avoiding cultural mistakes and misunderstandings

Minimal Lined Business Financial Planning

GLOBAL LEADERSHIP to successfully lead intercultural teams

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what our clients say

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This webinar was full of details and useful information regarding the business behaviour and interactions in China. The details that were presented are of great importance for every company, organization or individual who wants to expand their business in China. The most interesting and valuable part of this webinar was the shared personal experiences by Mrs. Moldovan, because personal experiences are very important guides for any given situation. After the webinar, the GIVE partners successfully obtained the basic information that should be known in order to be prepared for business interaction with China.

Dată fiind colaborarea pe care o avem cu colegii in China, acest workshop a fost de un real ajutor. Ne-a ajutat să înțelegem mult mai bine diferențele culturale pe care le întâmpinăm zi de zi în relația cu ei și pe care în mod normal ne e foarte greu să le identificăm. Prezentarea ne-a oferit multe informații generale legat de cultura chineză, urmând ca apoi acestea să fie susținute cu exemple din interacțiunile personale ceea ce a fost pe placul multor colegi care au participat la prezentare.

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Un curs foarte bine structurat, informații foarte utile/practice. Trainer super OK! Foarte multe exemple.

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Production Director

Project Coordinator


HR Coordinator

MASIT ICT Chamber of commerce


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Informațiile sunt foarte utile și de ajutor în a iniția și dezvolta relațiile și parteneriatele de business cu partenerii din China. Trainer de nota zece.

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Ultra Thick Sleek Arrow

Trainer foarte pregătit, informațiile prezentate într-o manieră prietenoasă, atmosferă relaxată și deschisă la întrebări.

Experiența faină, chiar

m-am simțit bine, nu era boring de loc. Apreciez pregătirea trainierului și exemplele real life.

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Ultra Thick Sleek Arrow

Specialist achiziții

Cluster de mobilier transilvan


Group leader



some of our clients

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you are Not working with China?

No problem, we have specialists on nine other cultures

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All the services we provide for China are also available for the following cultures

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South Korea

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Please contact us to see how we can assist you.


Let's collaborate!

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0040 740 817 463



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